Messenger Of Love

Surti (surti_maniezt)
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Surti – Sumringah…
Tedjo : hey..I need someone to talk to..
Surti : I’m always here for you.
Tedjo : I know.
Surti : What’s wrong?..
Tedjo : There’s this girl and I like her so much..
Surti : Oh.. So go and talk to her..
Tedjo : I don’t know.. She will never like me.
Surti : Don’t say that…you’re an amazing guy..
Tedjo : I just want her to know how I feel…
Surti : I understand…Then You should tell her..
Tedjo : She won’t like me..
Surti : How do you know that?
Tedjo : I dunno..I can just tell her…
Surti : Well what are you waiting for?..
Tedjo : But..what should I say?..
Surti : Tell her how much you like her.. love her..
Tedjo : I tell her daily…
Surti : What do you mean?
Tedjo : I’m always with her…I love her.
Surti : I know how you feel. I have the same problem…but he’ll never like me.
Tedjo : Wait. Who do you like?..
Surti : Oh, just some guy..
Tedjo : Oh, she won’t like me either..
Surti : She does and she will..
Tedjo : How do you know?
Surti : Because who wouldn’t like you?
Tedjo : You…
Surti : You’re wrong…. I love you.
Tedjo : I love you too.
Surti : So are you going to talk to her?
Tedjo : I just did..
Surti is typing

16 thoughts on “Messenger Of Love

  • 5 February 2010 at 11:39

    harus dirayakan.. makan2 😀

    saya tunggu di Semarang, Dab… 😆

  • 8 February 2010 at 09:04

    Nggawe ngene iki mesti ngedite ping pirang2, terutama nggon menu…
    Spasi wae kodene angel…

    😀 spasinya kan tinggaL copy paste, Pak..
    sebenarnya pake yang biasa juga bisa, tapi ben ketok angeL :D…

    .-= marsudiyanto´s last blog : Di Balik Layar Metamarsphose =-.

  • 8 February 2010 at 09:06

    Wingi aku yo meh nggawe YM, tapi kok ketoke luwih menarik nggawe halaman edit posting…

    Dan ternyata wis digawe ning kene…
    Berarti aku gak perlu repot2 nggawe YM… 😀

    di baLik layarnya sudah saya simak, Pak..
    kaLo boLeh saya minta ijin untuk melihat di baLik layar itu dari sisi yang lain di bLog ini.. *kapan-kapan…

    .-= marsudiyanto´s last blog : Di Balik Layar Metamarsphose =-.

  • 8 February 2010 at 09:10

    Salut Mas, mulai atas sampai bawah ful teks…

    Jelas butuh ketekunan dan kesabaran.
    (2 hal yang saya nggak punya)

    nggambare cuma pake Paint..
    yg lama tu ngepasin gambar ma tuLisannya…

    .-= marsudiyanto´s last blog : Di Balik Layar Metamarsphose =-.

  • 10 February 2010 at 08:59

    Wah surti dan tedjo lagi dimabuk asmara nih,,jadi inget lagu surti dan tedjo,,tapi siapa yang nyanyi yah? saya lupa…hehe

    Jamrud, pake J, mBa…

    .-= intan rawit´s last blog : Kenapa ga boleh makan babi? =-.


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