4 Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Web Hosting

Choosing a hosting did not seem like a big decision. But there are some things to consider when dealing with web hosting service providers. Errors in choosing a web hosting provider can be fatal. Then, choose the right web hosting, and avoid some of the following errors.

  1. Choosing a hosting that has no backup protection

    Almost all websites now have data that continue to be added dynamically. If you do not have a webhosting adequate backup mechanisms, and if the web hosting service provider has an error on the server, you too will be affected.

  2. Not understand the hosting capacity of the leased

    By hiring hosting, you will get a certain amount of space and power of the server. Make sure you choose the appropriate package for the development of your website later. Although some webhosting facilitate the process of upgrading, but there are some that require us to pay more. Make sure you read the Terms of Service or regulations of the hosting service.

  3. Choose a host that is unstable, slow and unsafe

    Hosting services to the poor would be easy to know because right now it is easy to spread information. But there are still fooled by the new hosting offer things that completely unlimited. Though this could be just their strategy to rake in the money in a few months and then run in the next month.

  4. Choosing a service provider without adequate support

    If you put your website on hosting that does not provide 24 hour support services or direct customer service, maybe it could take several days if you are having problems. Most hosting providers have been providing 24 hour support with a trained staff to assist you. Hosting is cheap too often will not be able to provide skilled support services and inadequate in terms of time. Remember, price is directly proportional to the service.

Above mistakes are often made by beginners who want to use your own hosting. Learn from the mistakes of the above will help you plan and hire the right web hosting for your website needs.

4 thoughts on “4 Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Web Hosting

  • 20 April 2012 at 00:05

    hosting yang baik adalah yang downtimenya rendah, uptimenya 100% dan supportnya sangat cepat

  • 14 September 2012 at 13:43

    setuju sama diatasnya tergantung dari technical support yang mengatasinya…

  • 16 April 2013 at 13:58

    Yg terpenting keamanannya terjamin. Contoh: Udah cape bikin, taunya malah jebol website kite -_-

    kan, PR abis tuh~


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